Wednesday, April 25, 2007

storing fat

I have been thinking that hanging onto stuff you don't need is like getting fat. Both are the result of overconsuming, are easy to accumulate and take a lot of time and effort to get rid of.

Perhaps not a particularly attractive analogy, but interesting when you think of surplus possessions as stored energy (everything we purchase took energy in some form to create) that slows you down, gets in your way and all that.

Am glad I'm on the compacting diet.


Lee said...

I see the two as very similar, being one of those rare people who has also lost a large amount of weight (nearly 30 kilos) and kept the weight off for nearly two years now.

New, lean habits of any sort require continued maintenance, re-assessment, and thought. They don't happen easily, and the transformation doesn't happen overnight. You have to deal with lapses too! But big changes can be done!

Anonymous said...

hi, i am computer illiterate and so dont know how to ask this question in a more appropriate space, so im just hoping this is ok, i was wondering what you do about stationary, books, paper and pens, i cant think of anywhere they would be second hand, i suppose bartering is still within compacting but then someone else is still going to have to buy it, anyways just wondering if anyone had any idea's. thanks. papergirl

Donna said...

The appetite grows by eating. –Francois Rabelais

What the hungry ghost really seeks cannot be found by purchasing more stuff. It will only be realized by dispensing with the pretense behind which he hides from himself. Revelation is a subtractive process.

I found the above quote referred to on and it made me think of your post.

Alana said...

Hi Papergirl - I stopped buying the notebooks I like and am now using recycled pads that they put together at work. I reckon I have a lifetime's supply of pens so that is not going to be an issue for me for a while. Am not sure what I will do when the stationary I have runs out.

I could send you some pens if you want - email me at with your address.


Anonymous said...

I also currently have alot of pens,(thanks Alana) and people give me pens and things, which i do not ask for but i keep them anyway, thank you for the idea though, i will start getting recycled paper form my mums work and use them for uni.

On the subject of dieting i just wanted to say, PLEASE, if you are going to diet, please realise that many diets have unrealistic weight lose timeframes, which can lead to feelings of failure when you may actually of been doing really well, sorry to be tangential but i am so heartbroken by the way people sometimes view themselves, and the way certain popular images and unrealistic ideals encourage that. ok, sorry bout that. have a wonderful day/night/time everyone, and in the word of Kimya Dawson 'Remember that i love you'. papergirl(aka. clare)