Friday, May 4, 2007


It's interesting how expectations change as society (and levels of affluence) changes. What I find interesting is the expectations and assumptions that we seem to take on unconsciously. Like why is it not seen as acceptable to give second hand gifts to new babies of friends and relatives? And why do we all need so many clothes and so much stuff in general?

One of the great things that has come for me out of compacting is the questioning of things that I just took for granted, and the re-evaluating of what I really need and really want. Am finding that they are both considerably less than I would have thought a few months ago.


From the lion's mouth said...

"why is it not seen as acceptable to give second hand gifts to new babies"

You could call it vintage rather than second-hand? That makes it cooler ;-)

I usually knit something for friends or relations who are having babies.

Alana said...

I don't really know - maybe it is more in my head than anybody else's. Maybe it's being thought to be cheap. Not sure really