Friday, August 10, 2007

a spending spree

This is a bit tragic, but I am excited - have been shopping today. Ok - it was op-shopping - and a very satisfying experience it was too. There are a couple of op shops round where I live, but it is not a particularly affluent area - so consequently most of the stuff ain't great. Does ok for books, but that's about all really.

Anyway, I dragged the reluctant Object of My Affection across a couple of suburbs and I got to shop. Bought a great pair of italian suede shoes for $15 - got to love that - a little handbag, a bunch of books and a few CDs (all of which are a complete mystery - will give them all away if I don't like them). Happy as a lark.

Ok - so now is the hard part - did I need any of those things? No. Am I glad I bought them? yes!

I haven't really shopped at Op shops (apart from a bit of idle looking around for books) since I was an impecunious student. Think perhaps it lost its charm because it made me feel poor, which was ok when I was 19, but not so much fun now. And it is a fairly time-consuming business as well - you do have to be dedicated.

I am also mindful that one of my aims in life is to have less stuff rather than more ... yes, I know it doesn't really stack up.

Anyway, it was fun. It got me over the shopping bug, and I am re-using a bunch of stuff that other people didn't want. Overall a happy outcome.

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