Saturday, October 13, 2007


A few weeks ago I was reading a 'women's magazine' in a cafe which had an article on how to reduce your consumption and do your best for the planet. It had a few pieces of vaguely worthwhile advice e.g. 'fly less' and was about as shallow as you would expect in a publication of that sort.

The irony of an article on how we can help save the planet featuring in a magazine dedicated to consumerism - mainly via the fashion industry - and bulging full of ads exhorting us all to buy more stuff was not lost on me.

I concede that a fluffy fashion magazine is not where you are likely to find either intellectual fodder or a strong political message, but still ... The actions sure did not match the words.

Guess it is the same with all of us - no point wringing our hands about climate change and all the rest of it without changing our behaviours. It's the cause and effect thing.


Lee said...

Rather amusing...I mean, they can't exactly say:

"Start by not buying this magazine any more.

And don't buy any of the useless crap in it."

Can they?

Can they?

Oh, I *wish*!

Alana said...

It's like all those books on consuming less/using less resources and all that stuff - it is not quite right somehow (ie having to buy a book a book about it). But I guess they figure there is more money to be made that way than out of cyberspace. Or maybe I am being uncharitable - maybe it is about getting the message to a bigger audience. But whichever way I look at it, it just does not seem to stack up somehow.