Monday, February 4, 2008

more dog business

Have solved the issue of dog food being left over and stinking out the rubbish - got another dog. No issues re leftovers when there is a bit of competition ...

Here is the beautiful Maggie - another ex racing greyhound.


From the lion's mouth said...

Oh, she is gorgeous! I wish we had room for a dog.

By the way, we've finished reading the Omnivore's Dilemma, if you want to borrow it drop me a line and I'll bring it to work.

Alana said...

Good news re greyhounds - don't need much room. Dead lazy. Thanks for the offer, but my friend Susan has just lent me the Omnivore's Dilemma - just need to apply myself to read it.

Alana said...

If you are interested in adopting (or fostering) a beautiful greyhound, contact Greyhound Safety Net (we got our dogs from them) or GAP (Greyhound Adoption Program)

From the lion's mouth said...

I know they're lazy, but really I don't think we have room - plus our dear old lady kitty would probably not like it at all. She's scared of our rabbit.

Come to think of it, the rabbit probably wouldn't love a greyhound either!

PS the omnivore's dilemma is very readable, not too much effort.

Alana said...

A cat and a rabbit - sounds like greyhound heaven! (which is probably where they would bothbe fairly quickly).