Monday, March 12, 2007

to use or not to use, that is the question

After having bought new body and earth friendly (I hope) moisturiser - I found a tube in the bathroom cupboard. Petrochemical based. And body lotion (several bottles). Now - what is worse - do I use it (not too keen on that option) or do I throw it away to landfill?

Can't imagine that the second hand market for already opened skin products is booming ...


Minni Mum said...

Alana, can you give it to a friend or family member? Seems a waste to throw it away - I gave all my cosmetics and lotions to my Mum and sister.

Alison Peters said...

I say use it up.

I think to waste them would be a shame.

I'm having the same issue with liquid soap and plastic soap dispensers. I'm going back to plain old bars of soap, but have several bottles of liquid in bottles lying around. So rather than waste them by tossing them in the bin, I'm going to keep using them til they are finished, then recycle or reuse the bottles. Or just use the liquid for when guests come over and make it last longer.

Lee said...

Take it back to the shop you bought it from, and ask for a refund or an exchange voucher! Most department stores will do this these days - certainly Target and suchlike will.

If they won't accept it, why not send it to the company that made it, and ask for your money back, claiming the product was unsatisfactory? You don't have to say why!

A final option: give it to a friend, or freecycle it.

PQR said...

Just use it - if you return it, they'll only throw it out anyway.

If the stuff isn't too used, you could also give it away to family, friends and neighbours, or freecycle it.

Alison Peters said...

Two members of our little Sydney group are trialing washing our hair without shampoo.

We have it from several reliable sources that shampoo only increases oil production by stripping hair. That causes the body to respond by generating more oil. It also means we are forced use more products to make up for either the dryness or oiliness.

I am washing with water only.

My friend is trying bi-carb and vinegar which also works well apparently (see: The Natural Family website- sorry, don't have the link but will get back to you with it).

It can take up to six weeks for the natural balance to return, so we are lining up our hats to get us through!

Alana said...

Alison - look forward to hearing about the no shampoo gig. I reckon you are right but I am not bold enough to go there (not yet anyway!)

From the lion's mouth said...

If none of your friends/family want it - I'd just put it in a box on the naturestrip, with a sign saying free to good home (or similar) and someone will take it.

If you send back to the manufacturer, they'll throw it out.

LittleOddMe said...

Freecycle it. Look up freecycle on yahoo groups. Someone will probably come and take it and anything else you want to pass on to someone else.

I tried the no hairwashing gig. It might have been because of the fact that I was travelling through india at the time with not particularly good water to wash it with, but my hair just got more and more greasy (and it is usually dry) and brown would come off on my hand like I had been petting a horse. I couldn't stand it. I might be willing to try the bicarb and vinegar route tho.